Open Market Consultation

To prepare the €2.87 million Call for Tenders and its specifications, SPACE4Cities partners are conducting an Open Market Consultation (OMC) from June 2024 until the end of October 2024.

In the SPACE4Cities Pre-Commercial Procurement, five innovative solutions will be selected at the end of a three-step process and will then be implemented for five public procurers: Helsinki, Amsterdam, Athens (Attica region), Ghent and Guimarães.

To this end, Suppliers will be invited to submit their tenders in Q1 2025 while the Call for tenders is open. Suppliers may be either companies, research centres or non-profit organisations and may submit a tender as part of a consortium or as a single entity.

To prepare the €2.87 million Call for Tenders and its specifications, SPACE4Cities partners are conducting an Open Market Consultation (OMC) from June 2024 until the end of October 2024. The questions asked, feedback and results obtained during the OMC will help SPACE4Cities partners to elaborate the most appropriate requirements possible.

Participating in the OMC is an undeniable asset in order to prepare for the call for tenders. In fact, suppliers are invited to explain what is currently being done on the market, how they can innovate, comment on the feasibility of the PCP process, and start thinking about their submission. 

 To allow that, SPACE4Cities strives to create an open forum via the following tools:

  • The European-wide OMC Webinar Series held in English: three webinars on the Challenges and the Call for Tenders;
  • National OMC Webinars, one webinar in each public procurer’s language to engage its national ecosystem;
  • A confidential OMC Supplier Survey to specify the three targeted Challenges and gauge the feasibility of the preliminary requirements;
  • A regularly updated Q&A page gathering all questions from the previous channels;
  • A OMC Matchmaking Form to facilitate consortium-building and partnerships between suppliers. Organisations that have filled the matchmaking form are listed in the OMC Matchmaking Directory.
  • An interactive OMC Community on LinkedIn where you can ask questions and search consortium partners.

SPACE4Cities commits to keep a strictly fair, transparent and open market consultation and reminds all stakeholders that participating in the OMC does not provide any preference for the forthcoming €2.87 million call for tenders, planned in the first quarter of 2025. However, all insights received until November 2024 will help to refine our challenges and feed our specifications.

Participation in the OMC is not mandatory in order to participate in the Call for Tenders.